Books from the Dictated Words of Former American Slaves

This website is being designed for the upcoming book American Slaves: Plantation Life
Due: Spring 2025

CATO CARTER: Everything that I tell you is the truth, but there’s plenty that I can’t tell you.
(Photo taken in Dallas, Texas during the interview)

So, you have a choice!

The ORIGINAL Book Series

Paperback Books

In 1995, the first books from the book series entitled I WAS A SLAVE were published. In the interviews, virtually all of the former American slaves used their delicious southern dialect, which is retained throughout each book. Each book of the series is filled with their unedited descriptions of just one subject, such as one book just about children or another concerning only auctions. Today, these books continue their popularity throughout America and many countries. Learn more about I WAS A SLAVE.

The Translated Book Series

Book Collection

in Standard English

In 2025, wud ful l;lgienj euig; ieihg Ike nigniiie hieiiiigneiine. Signing eiiigdi English ehhgii in s a a jjgoeoo.

Since American Slaves is the translation of I WAS A SLAVE, the stories and photos are virtually the same in both series.

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All books include images of former American slaves
during the time of slavery
and during the interviews of the 1930s.


These are the original words as dictated in southern dialect by a former slave in the PAPERBACK book series, I WAS A SLAVE.

GUS FEASTER: Lots of times, Newt and Anderson would tell me and John to come and git under de steps while Ol’ Marse was eating his supper. When he git up from de table, us li’l #######* would allus hear de sliding o’ his chair kaise he was sech a big fat man. Den he go into de missus’ room to set by de fire. Dar he would warm his feets and have his Julip. Quick as lightning, me and John scamper from under de steps and break fer de big cape jasamine bushes ’long de front walk. Dar we hide ’til Anderson and Newt come out a-fetching ham biscuit in dey hands fer us. It would be so full of gravy dat sometime de gravy would take and run plumb down to de end o’ my elbow and drap off ’fo’ I could git it licked off’n my wrists. Dem was de best rations dat a ######* ever had. When dey had honey on de white folks’ table, de boys never did fail to fetch a honey biscuit wid dem. Dat was so good dat I jest take one measley li’l bite of honey and melted butter on my way to de quarter. I would jest taste a leetle. When I git to Mammy, den me and Mammy set off to ourselfs and taste it ’til it done all gone.

*The actual word is used frequently in the I WAS A SLAVE books. It was spoken by these elders with no malice.

American Slaves

This is the translation of the previous excerpt from southern dialect into Standard English in the eBOOK series, American Slaves

GUS FEASTER: A lot of the time [when he was a child], Newt and Anderson [the slave owner’s sons] told John [his older brother] and me to get under the steps while Old Master was eating his supper. When he left the table, we would hear the sliding of his chair because he was such a big fat man. Then, he would go into the mistress’ room and sit by the fire. There, he would warm his feet and have his julep [an alcoholic drink]. As quick as lightning, John and I would scamper from under the steps and run to the cape jasmine bushes along the front walk. We would hide there until Anderson and Newt came out. In their hands would be a ham biscuit full of gravy for us. Sometimes, there would be so much gravy that it would completely run down to the end of my elbow and drop off before I could get it licked off my wrists. That was the best food that a slave ever had. When they had honey on the white folks’ table, the boys never failed to carry a honey biscuit with them. It was so good! I took just one measly little bite of the honey and melted butter on my way to the quarters [the slave cabins]. I tasted only a little. When I reached Mama, she and I sat by ourselves and tasted it until it was gone.

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